Friday, February 18, 2011

Forgive yourself.

Doctrine and Covenants 64: 10
"I, the Lord, will aforgive whom I will forgive, but of you it is required to bforgive all men."

Be pretty NOW. Love what and who you are now. Love all of yourself, even the flabby flotation ring around your hips! You are a great person. God loves you. You are His child. He made you and God doesn't make junk. YES, you've made mistakes. YES, you've abused your body. You may even have been glutenous. You failed yourself so many times. BUT, it's time to let go of the past. You haven't made any mistakes in the future yet. It's up to you to control what you do for the rest of the day. Forgive yourself as you would a friend. Treat yourself as good as you would treat a dear friend. You wouldn't constantly berate a dear friend for their mistakes would you? No, so why do it to yourself?

I am not giving up!

At a meeting the leader was speaking about blowing it. When we mess up a lot of us tend to let that be an excuse to give up. I have thought "I've messed up so bad today what's the point of trying. Pass me the fried chicken." A bad meal turns into a bad day which means I blew the WHOLE week so I can't possibly get back on track till NEXT week OR next month. Been there so many times. (That's why I am FAT!)