Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Trying to replace comfort food

What do you do when you are in a full out foul mood and the only thing you can think of to comfort yourself is food. I'm talking really bad infertility day and what I really want right now is a super sized chocolate shake and french fries?


  1. Uhhhhhh, I wish I had a magic answer from you. But, as embarrassing as it is to admit this, on those days I usually end up giving in. I AM NOT RECOMMENDING THIS! (Obviously) One thing that really helped me recently was when my husband and I sat down and we discussed that we both need to come up with other ideas for rewards and pick-me-ups that do not involve food or sitting on our butts. To that end, on my husband's night to plan a date recently, he took me roller skating. Normally we just would have gone out to the movie theater and eaten popcorn loaded with butter. But we had SO MUCH fun acting like dorky teenagers! Plus, when I got home I found out that roller skating is worth TONS of bonus points on WW.

  2. I wish I could say I was good, but I caved. It was that kind of day that just deserved onion rings and a shake. But I did make sure to order the smaller sizes.
